Solidplanner has worked for:
- Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition
- Flexifort
- Intragen
- Jumbo
- De Wolkenwagen
- D66 Utrechtse Heuvelrug
- Manger Cats
- 135th anniversary and ANWB cafe Utrecht
- ESSD, ESICM, ISICEM (2016, 2017): congress Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition in Barcelona, Milano, Brussels
- European Energy Law Seminar for the Dutch Energy Law Association (2016, 2017) in The Hague, the Netherlands
- projectmanagement Jumbo
- symposium on education in Revius Doorn, the Netherlands
- farewell symposium in Doorn, the Netherlands
- political event relating to the Ukraine referendum with MEP Sophie in ´t Veld in the Netherlands, Antropia
- open Tournament Manger Cats (2014, 2015)